It was 36* and perfectly sunny today. I opted to run the streets instead of cleaning today. All three were LOA today, so after I found my missing rings (eek!) I went shopping. Found Dev some really cute shirts at the Goodwill, she has become such a pain. She likes her clothes to be skin tight anymore. Oy! Bought her some size 8 and 10's today.
I need to get her cake ordered this week and figure out what to get her, present wise. Very soon she'll be six. Hard to believe...
Momma Drama
Wednesday, February 22, 2006 @ 9:10 PM
You can smell it!
Sunday, February 19, 2006 @ 8:39 AM
Careful what you wish for...
Took the kidlets shopping at Meijers yesterday. Where Maiya decided to puke. While in the grocery cart. Three times. Eek! Into her coat and all down the front of her luckily. Not once did she call for Daddy... By the time we got out of there, she was covered by my coat, and needed to be stripped out of her shirt before I could put her in the car. It was zero degrees yesterday, poor girl! She was much better by the end of the afternoon yesterday, so I think we'll brave church today.
Dave's new job is 20 minutes away, at the closest hospital with a nice raise. Next door to where I work. Can you say 'car-pool'? It's the M-F, 9-5 permanent site he's been waiting for the last 10 years. Hopefully he can be done with the obsessive job hunting now, he's killing me. I'm very proud of him though, it was only one position and there were a few, very qualified candidates. I've already talked to my Dr. and the office manager and they are okay with me dropping to three days a week. Yay!
We are very blessed.
Dave's new job is 20 minutes away, at the closest hospital with a nice raise. Next door to where I work. Can you say 'car-pool'? It's the M-F, 9-5 permanent site he's been waiting for the last 10 years. Hopefully he can be done with the obsessive job hunting now, he's killing me. I'm very proud of him though, it was only one position and there were a few, very qualified candidates. I've already talked to my Dr. and the office manager and they are okay with me dropping to three days a week. Yay!
We are very blessed.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006 @ 8:47 PM
As of today...
...Dave has a new job. He's been at his latest new job (prior to today's new one) for 2 weeks now.
Humped out a bunch of Village work today. Devin was home from school today...she has a small vomiting episode last night. An episode in which she called out for her Daddy, not her Momma. *Sniff* He is the primary care giver as of late...and it was vomit, so I'm pretty sure I'm okay with it.
Humped out a bunch of Village work today. Devin was home from school today...she has a small vomiting episode last night. An episode in which she called out for her Daddy, not her Momma. *Sniff* He is the primary care giver as of late...and it was vomit, so I'm pretty sure I'm okay with it.
Sunday, February 12, 2006 @ 8:25 PM
Holy cow Batman!
No sense back tracking right now.
Today was a great day....church, lunch, the movies (Curious George) and house oogling (modulars) with the snapperettes.
Today was a great day....church, lunch, the movies (Curious George) and house oogling (modulars) with the snapperettes.