Momma Drama

Thursday, April 29, 2004 @ 6:01 PM
Ugh. Still sick. Close my eyes and nod off where ever I am sick......
No can do though. Went grocery shopping this morning in an effort to let Dave sleep in peace. Came home, made chicken and noodles for lunch. Did village checks and assorted other crap. Played frisbee this afternoon, had dinner. Need to get the kidlets ready to bed. Devin needs a bath, the other two need jammies and clean faces and teeth. Trent gets to stay up for Survivor. Wonder if I'll be able to stay up for it..;) I need to stay up....need to do these horrible nails.
Tomorrow I need to do whats left of the laundry, drop the dog off at the vets, pack for myself and the kids, do a spring brush clean up resolution for the village, and I'm not sure what else.
Took Trent to the Dr.'s yesterday.......sinus infection of course. Poor guy.
Back to work........
No can do though. Went grocery shopping this morning in an effort to let Dave sleep in peace. Came home, made chicken and noodles for lunch. Did village checks and assorted other crap. Played frisbee this afternoon, had dinner. Need to get the kidlets ready to bed. Devin needs a bath, the other two need jammies and clean faces and teeth. Trent gets to stay up for Survivor. Wonder if I'll be able to stay up for it..;) I need to stay up....need to do these horrible nails.
Tomorrow I need to do whats left of the laundry, drop the dog off at the vets, pack for myself and the kids, do a spring brush clean up resolution for the village, and I'm not sure what else.
Took Trent to the Dr.'s yesterday.......sinus infection of course. Poor guy.
Back to work........
Wednesday, April 28, 2004 @ 1:54 PM
Lifted from here, April 22nd entry.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
I want everyone who reads this to ask me 3 questions, no more no less. Ask me anything you want. Then I want you to go to your journal, copy and paste this allowing your friends (including myself) to ask you anything.
@ 12:07 PM
@&*!^%$@%-ing forums! I just wanna sit on my arse and surf them..........
Tuesday, April 27, 2004 @ 2:05 PM
Damnit! This is not allergies....:( This is 'drop-the boy-off-at-kindergarten-then-take-the-girls-to-daycare-come-home-and-die-on-the-couch' sickness. Pooey! Probably just the first of about 12 hundred billion strains of bacterial-viral-crap that Dave will be bring home to us now. Ahhhhh....I forgot what working in a hospital is like.
So. I have pretty much done nothing today. Cancelled my hair/nail appointment. Horrors. I must be sick. Need to do village stuff. Must. Do. It.
I ordered a bathing suit the other day. Had to measure for the darn thing. Nothing like seeing the numbers in black and white to make you run into the kitchen and make a salad......too bad my top number wasn't near as high as my bottom numbers.
I'd like to take another nap right now, but I have to pick Trent up in 50 minutes. Maybe after he gets home we will 'watch a movie' (he watches, I sleep...), until it's time to get the girls.
Happy Monday!
So. I have pretty much done nothing today. Cancelled my hair/nail appointment. Horrors. I must be sick. Need to do village stuff. Must. Do. It.
I ordered a bathing suit the other day. Had to measure for the darn thing. Nothing like seeing the numbers in black and white to make you run into the kitchen and make a salad......too bad my top number wasn't near as high as my bottom numbers.
I'd like to take another nap right now, but I have to pick Trent up in 50 minutes. Maybe after he gets home we will 'watch a movie' (he watches, I sleep...), until it's time to get the girls.
Happy Monday!
Monday, April 26, 2004 @ 7:18 PM
Here I am. And there is my ass. Over there. Dragging behind me. Overnight, Dave, Maiya and myself are allergy-fied. Something horrible. Heads full of green, I think I may lose my voice by tomorrow. Ugh!
What is it about babies and cats? They think clean diapers and litterboxes must be re-filled as soon as possible.....
Weekend was good. My gf was up and we had a nice visit on Saturday. The garden got turned over that day too. The peas and snap peas are in. Devin and I planted a bunch of flower seeds here, there and everywhere also.
The dog's new 'parents' are coming over tomorrow night. Mostly for the sake of the kids. A little meet and greet if you will. Baby stepping the process of him leaving.
Tomorrow is daycare day/nail appointment day. Last Tuesday was soooo very bad here. The "Damn! What does he need? A de-coder ring?" day. The girls were supposed to be at daycare that day don't you know..............I cannot believe I did that. Forgot. Completely. Never called the daycare lady. Spent the day barley hanging on to the end of my rope. And they weren't even supposed to be home. I need a vacation I do believe.....
Need to work on village time sheets tonight or tomorrow. Wednesday morning is a computer/village day with the deputy clerk, in preparation for the return of the auditors. That happens on May 3rd. The headstone that is in the wrong spot is supposed to be moved this coming Friday. We shall see. I haven't spent this much time in a cemetery since Dave and I were dating.........
We are heading downstate this coming weekend. Playoff Red Wing hockey game on Saturday. Yay. My nephew's birthday gig on Sunday afternoon. The weekend after that we will be going down again.....not so good. That is a rant for another day.
Bedtime is never coming tonight. At least that's what it feels like. Today has been rough all around. I hate waking up at the same time as the kids. I really do better if I have some quiet, coffee & veg time before they launch into the day. Tomorrow shall be better! :)
Oh yeah. It's supposed to snow tonight. Yipee.....
What is it about babies and cats? They think clean diapers and litterboxes must be re-filled as soon as possible.....
Weekend was good. My gf was up and we had a nice visit on Saturday. The garden got turned over that day too. The peas and snap peas are in. Devin and I planted a bunch of flower seeds here, there and everywhere also.
The dog's new 'parents' are coming over tomorrow night. Mostly for the sake of the kids. A little meet and greet if you will. Baby stepping the process of him leaving.
Tomorrow is daycare day/nail appointment day. Last Tuesday was soooo very bad here. The "Damn! What does he need? A de-coder ring?" day. The girls were supposed to be at daycare that day don't you know..............I cannot believe I did that. Forgot. Completely. Never called the daycare lady. Spent the day barley hanging on to the end of my rope. And they weren't even supposed to be home. I need a vacation I do believe.....
Need to work on village time sheets tonight or tomorrow. Wednesday morning is a computer/village day with the deputy clerk, in preparation for the return of the auditors. That happens on May 3rd. The headstone that is in the wrong spot is supposed to be moved this coming Friday. We shall see. I haven't spent this much time in a cemetery since Dave and I were dating.........
We are heading downstate this coming weekend. Playoff Red Wing hockey game on Saturday. Yay. My nephew's birthday gig on Sunday afternoon. The weekend after that we will be going down again.....not so good. That is a rant for another day.
Bedtime is never coming tonight. At least that's what it feels like. Today has been rough all around. I hate waking up at the same time as the kids. I really do better if I have some quiet, coffee & veg time before they launch into the day. Tomorrow shall be better! :)
Oh yeah. It's supposed to snow tonight. Yipee.....
Friday, April 23, 2004 @ 8:03 PM
Red Snapper is circling in the waters...... a dollar to the first person who knows what that means........;) It means that the forums are yanking my chain like there is no tomorrow.
Oh. Hmmmm. Lessee here........
Who knew that American Chopper airs on Friday nights also? Not me, until now. Life is good. I really do have the hots for Paul Jr., with his little immature self. I am a dirty old lady.
Tonight bedtime was most welcome. Imagine a 4 year girl who is normally loud and obnoxious, during a full fledge melt-down. Scary. Nighty night Devin. That child is going to big, big things someday. Big things. No rocking for Maiya tonight. Turdie baby! I think Trent has a sinus infection, go figure. The kids are looking forward to having Dad home for the next two days, and Dave is looking forward to seeing Trent. It's tough pulling the afternoon gig when Trent is gone all day.
Village work continues. Lots of little, time sucking stuff lately. I need about another 2 hours this weekend to get ahead of the game. Went to check out the cemetery today, make sure the newest body got buried where it was supposed to. No problem. Just found a newly planted headstone in the wrong freaking spot!!! I swear, if I end up doing any more cussing and pissing & moaning in that cemetery, god himself is coming down after me. Now you know that the headstone belongs to the same exact man that was already buried in the wrong spot. Let's just see how much heartache I can cause this one poor widow. Great. Not the village's fault but still.....I feel horrible for this lady.
Tomorrow is yard work day.........turn over that garden, plant those peas. Plant those morning glories, move those raspberries. Then it's hockey time at 3 pm. Those darn Wings lost last night. :( So now I know for sure I'm going to game 5 of the series on May 1st. Happy day for me, happy day for Roni. ;)
I don't like the playdate nazi neighbor. That's it. Plain and simple. Never have, ever since we moved in. She's one of those people that always acts like they are in a fog while you are speaking to them.....I want to snap my fingers in front of her to bring her around........odd cookie. It's not the playdate completely, or the fact that I disagree with some her parenting techniques. It's her. I don't have to be friends with someone just because our kids play together on occasion. So then I wonder if I should even bother with the playdates....seems unfair to Trent. Is it possible to have playdates without being friends? The playdate is for the kids, not the grownups......ugh. What to do? Move. Move I say.
Think that's it........or I'm having brain freeze. Think I'll scrap........
Have great weekend all!!! :)
Oh. Hmmmm. Lessee here........
Who knew that American Chopper airs on Friday nights also? Not me, until now. Life is good. I really do have the hots for Paul Jr., with his little immature self. I am a dirty old lady.
Tonight bedtime was most welcome. Imagine a 4 year girl who is normally loud and obnoxious, during a full fledge melt-down. Scary. Nighty night Devin. That child is going to big, big things someday. Big things. No rocking for Maiya tonight. Turdie baby! I think Trent has a sinus infection, go figure. The kids are looking forward to having Dad home for the next two days, and Dave is looking forward to seeing Trent. It's tough pulling the afternoon gig when Trent is gone all day.
Village work continues. Lots of little, time sucking stuff lately. I need about another 2 hours this weekend to get ahead of the game. Went to check out the cemetery today, make sure the newest body got buried where it was supposed to. No problem. Just found a newly planted headstone in the wrong freaking spot!!! I swear, if I end up doing any more cussing and pissing & moaning in that cemetery, god himself is coming down after me. Now you know that the headstone belongs to the same exact man that was already buried in the wrong spot. Let's just see how much heartache I can cause this one poor widow. Great. Not the village's fault but still.....I feel horrible for this lady.
Tomorrow is yard work day.........turn over that garden, plant those peas. Plant those morning glories, move those raspberries. Then it's hockey time at 3 pm. Those darn Wings lost last night. :( So now I know for sure I'm going to game 5 of the series on May 1st. Happy day for me, happy day for Roni. ;)
I don't like the playdate nazi neighbor. That's it. Plain and simple. Never have, ever since we moved in. She's one of those people that always acts like they are in a fog while you are speaking to them.....I want to snap my fingers in front of her to bring her around........odd cookie. It's not the playdate completely, or the fact that I disagree with some her parenting techniques. It's her. I don't have to be friends with someone just because our kids play together on occasion. So then I wonder if I should even bother with the playdates....seems unfair to Trent. Is it possible to have playdates without being friends? The playdate is for the kids, not the grownups......ugh. What to do? Move. Move I say.
Think that's it........or I'm having brain freeze. Think I'll scrap........
Have great weekend all!!! :)
Thursday, April 22, 2004 @ 10:08 PM
@ 9:14 PM
I am tired.
Not sure why.
Emotional upheaval. Impending menstrual cycle. Old. Decreased water intake. Late nights. Early mornings. Small kids. All of the above.
Yesterday the girls went next door for half a day, after Devin and I got back from story time. I needed gave me a chance to get the meeting minutes and other village stuff done. It was a nice break too....:( Some days I feel like such a crap mom.
Today was better...........piddled around here doing this and that. Worked in the yard all afternoon after we picked Trent up. I finished lashing the wire to the poles for Maiya's yard corral. Who puts their kid in a corral you say? Me. The momma with no fenced yard. Me. The momma who has two big kids who are allowed to go from corner to corner in the front of the house, but still need to be checked on. Me. The momma that has an alley running right behind the house. Me. The momma who has a wading pool out during the summer. That's who. I need to find some sort of material (tarp maybe) that will provide some shade in thecorral play area. I figure I'll hole punch it and lash that to the wire from corner to corner, making a sun shade at two of the four corners. Then if she proves to me that she won't eat it, I'll put a small sandbox in there along with the toys.
The neighbors picked up our compost (and theirs) today. The old "Dairy Doo", catchy huh? It made for such a wonderful garden last year. We shoveled that all out of the truck and spread it around. Put some in the flower bed, and in the new 'home to be' of the raspberries. Yay! I love spring. I will be working my hiney off in the yard this weekend.
All the kidlets got a bath afterwards, got to wash off the old cow crap. Dinner was catch and kill, and then I took Maiya upstairs to bed. She was so tired. And snuggley. I decided to drag the rocking chair out of my room into her room and rock her. Lord have mercy! She wanted to rock. Maiya, my non-rocking girl. The baby who let me rock her about 5 times in the last 16 months. Little Miss "Heck no, lemme down, I'm not rocking girl." I rocked. She snuggied. I cried. She has caused me an awful lot of stress this last week. She's been fussing for no discernible reason. Can't be molars, all 4 are in. No fever. Not acting sick. Full belly. Dry pants. Plenty of attention. Read to almost every time she throws a book at me. Lately, she wants to be right in my butt. Not clingy really, but just all over me. Even with the one-on-one she gets. And she gets it I tell you. Because she's receptive to it. Devin never was a snuggler. Anywhoo............I took her binky away 10 days ago, so even that seemed not to be her problem. I guess she just needed to rock! Ha! Wouldn't that be nice? Better late than never. So, once again....feeling like a bad momma for not being able to figure that out a few days ago. Could have saved us both the stress and tears. Upwards and onwards.
Survivor was hard to stomach tonight. I. Really. Can. Not. Stand. Shii-Ann. She is such a dumb-ass heifer. I really want to not miss ER, but I may have to cash out. Lame-O!
Packaged up some baby stuff to send off today and took it to the post office. I'm glad the stuff is going to people who need it and are friends. Somehow made it easier to pack up a phase of my life that is now over. :( Ai yi yi! It didn't take away the squeeze in my heart completely, but it could have been worse. Much worse. The mommy me wanted to slap the shit out of the rational me who kept saying..."You know you are way to friggin' old to be thinking about any more kids, let alone the fact that Dave had the big V......" Real heifer that rational me......;)
The dog should be leaving soon. Knock on wood......
Okay.........big plans (as always) for tomorrow. Need sleep.
Not sure why.
Emotional upheaval. Impending menstrual cycle. Old. Decreased water intake. Late nights. Early mornings. Small kids. All of the above.
Yesterday the girls went next door for half a day, after Devin and I got back from story time. I needed gave me a chance to get the meeting minutes and other village stuff done. It was a nice break too....:( Some days I feel like such a crap mom.
Today was better...........piddled around here doing this and that. Worked in the yard all afternoon after we picked Trent up. I finished lashing the wire to the poles for Maiya's yard corral. Who puts their kid in a corral you say? Me. The momma with no fenced yard. Me. The momma who has two big kids who are allowed to go from corner to corner in the front of the house, but still need to be checked on. Me. The momma that has an alley running right behind the house. Me. The momma who has a wading pool out during the summer. That's who. I need to find some sort of material (tarp maybe) that will provide some shade in the
The neighbors picked up our compost (and theirs) today. The old "Dairy Doo", catchy huh? It made for such a wonderful garden last year. We shoveled that all out of the truck and spread it around. Put some in the flower bed, and in the new 'home to be' of the raspberries. Yay! I love spring. I will be working my hiney off in the yard this weekend.
All the kidlets got a bath afterwards, got to wash off the old cow crap. Dinner was catch and kill, and then I took Maiya upstairs to bed. She was so tired. And snuggley. I decided to drag the rocking chair out of my room into her room and rock her. Lord have mercy! She wanted to rock. Maiya, my non-rocking girl. The baby who let me rock her about 5 times in the last 16 months. Little Miss "Heck no, lemme down, I'm not rocking girl." I rocked. She snuggied. I cried. She has caused me an awful lot of stress this last week. She's been fussing for no discernible reason. Can't be molars, all 4 are in. No fever. Not acting sick. Full belly. Dry pants. Plenty of attention. Read to almost every time she throws a book at me. Lately, she wants to be right in my butt. Not clingy really, but just all over me. Even with the one-on-one she gets. And she gets it I tell you. Because she's receptive to it. Devin never was a snuggler. Anywhoo............I took her binky away 10 days ago, so even that seemed not to be her problem. I guess she just needed to rock! Ha! Wouldn't that be nice? Better late than never. So, once again....feeling like a bad momma for not being able to figure that out a few days ago. Could have saved us both the stress and tears. Upwards and onwards.
Survivor was hard to stomach tonight. I. Really. Can. Not. Stand. Shii-Ann. She is such a dumb-ass heifer. I really want to not miss ER, but I may have to cash out. Lame-O!
Packaged up some baby stuff to send off today and took it to the post office. I'm glad the stuff is going to people who need it and are friends. Somehow made it easier to pack up a phase of my life that is now over. :( Ai yi yi! It didn't take away the squeeze in my heart completely, but it could have been worse. Much worse. The mommy me wanted to slap the shit out of the rational me who kept saying..."You know you are way to friggin' old to be thinking about any more kids, let alone the fact that Dave had the big V......" Real heifer that rational me......;)
The dog should be leaving soon. Knock on wood......
Okay.........big plans (as always) for tomorrow. Need sleep.
Tuesday, April 20, 2004 @ 9:26 PM
If I said to you:
"I'm just about at the end of my rope today."
"I'd like to run away from home today."
"I'm going to end up crying today."
Would you need a magic de-coder ring to help you catch my drift?
Apparently, my lovely husband does...........
"I'm just about at the end of my rope today."
"I'd like to run away from home today."
"I'm going to end up crying today."
Would you need a magic de-coder ring to help you catch my drift?
Apparently, my lovely husband does...........
@ 6:02 PM
Hehe. Funny stuff today.
Today has been a foul day. I am really looking forward to 7 pm. Only 57 minutes to go...
Today has been a foul day. I am really looking forward to 7 pm. Only 57 minutes to go...
Monday, April 19, 2004 @ 7:34 PM
In this private hell day of mine, of cleaning up puke, and foul diapers, and missed toilets, and the carpet and the beds and the sheets......I almost forgot that Fear Factor is on. There is a God. And his name is Joe Rogan. Just kidding! ;) There's a little something to look forward to......
I need to go get myself some dinner now. Everyone is in bed. Trent is sacked out, hopefully he'll have a puke free night. Devin is in bed hollering about how she doesn't want Maiya in "her room.......", about how I should put Maiya "in your room..." Give me strength. And Bunny just wants Devin to shut up I imagine, so she can go to sleep. What I wouldn't give to just be at the village meeting where I was supposed to be.....
Yesterday it was 85* was hotter than hell. We took Dave to the butterfly exhibit for his birthday and had a wonderful time. Came home and had a feast for dinner.
I tried to have a playdate for Devin today, it didn't work out as planned. Look at me. Playdate. This requires further explanation, as I have spent much time in thought about this today. I shall post on it at a later date....
Dave is liking the new job so far. He's a tad nervous though.......he works with all women.
I need to go get myself some dinner now. Everyone is in bed. Trent is sacked out, hopefully he'll have a puke free night. Devin is in bed hollering about how she doesn't want Maiya in "her room.......", about how I should put Maiya "in your room..." Give me strength. And Bunny just wants Devin to shut up I imagine, so she can go to sleep. What I wouldn't give to just be at the village meeting where I was supposed to be.....
Yesterday it was 85* was hotter than hell. We took Dave to the butterfly exhibit for his birthday and had a wonderful time. Came home and had a feast for dinner.
I tried to have a playdate for Devin today, it didn't work out as planned. Look at me. Playdate. This requires further explanation, as I have spent much time in thought about this today. I shall post on it at a later date....
Dave is liking the new job so far. He's a tad nervous though.......he works with all women.
Friday, April 16, 2004 @ 7:56 PM
Hang on's going to be a bumpy ride.
I just spent 15 minutes outside with Maiya. She is at such a great age. So much personality. She rocks wherever she sits. Turd. This is the baby that never let me rock her. Ever. Now the world is her rocking chair. We sat on the porch steps. She rocked. I fumed...j/k. Then she moved down one step and tapped her little fingers on the porch like she was impatiently waiting for something. Who knows what. She says a lot of words. Shoes, juice, uh-oh, amen, Zurg (the dog), she attempts Trent and I swear she said your welcome the other day. It's amazing how you can pick up on these words by the third time around. Dave and I thought Trent was never going to talk. He probably talked for a good long while, we were just too dumb to realize it. :( She still waves that super sweet wave, sideways now instead of backwards. She also blows a mean kiss. Still stingy with the real kisses, which is okay, since they are full, open mouth ones. ;) She climbs up all 16 stairs to bed. Makes me a nervous wreck in the process.
She is felling better, thank goodness. Devin too. I'm wondering if I didn't poison them that night....they had spaghetti and Trent had mac & cheese. Trent never got sick. The spaghetti sauce came from the freezer...I just don't know. I feel horrible thinking that I may have done it to them. I ate the spaghetti that night too and felt fine. Although, my stomach isn't 4 years or 15 months old. If I did feed them bad food, I think I've paid my dues. In the form of laundry. Dear God! Just when I thought I was caught up from last time. I swear to god, I am buying some of these. No shit. I'm not kidding. For sure. Genius!
I think my use of the word 'skitterbuggin' or 'jitterbuggin' is just my own warm and fuzzy explanation for manic depression. Wonder if it's possible to have just a 'touch' of this. Or, could be SAD. I dunno. This winter was easier on me for some reason. I got out almost every day to take Trent to school. It also snowed for less days than usual. All I know is that it's spring time and I am all fruited up. Hop-in-the-car-*alone*,-roll-down-the-windows,-blast-the-thump-in-your-throat-rock-and-roll,-drive-100-miles-an-hour-with-a-beer-between-my-legs fruited up. Manic depression, spring fever, mid-life crisis? Can't be mid-life crisis, I pretty much feel this way every spring. Makes me wonder what would happen if I moved down south, where it is spring like a lot. Would these feelings go away? Would I just short myself out, blow a fuse? Pretty much all my poor, un-p.c. decisions were arrived at during spring. Poor sexual choices, tattoos, speeding tickets (go figure...) Although two pregnancies were spring deals, so there are some good(great) things. :)
I really can't stand music from Elton John. Or Phil Collins. (No point to that btw, just wanted to share. ;)
Dave seems to like the new job. It's going to take a few weeks for everyone to get into an afternoon groove. Then it will all change, because Trent will be out of school. I like having the big meal at noon time. I am much more motivated during the day. Then dinner is kick back and relax time. Need to watch myself though, last night I had chips for dinner. I plead the migraine defense. I need to eat healthy, I cannot keep this perma-suck gut forever! I did manage to exercise twice this week. I went rollerblading with Trent one day, and bike riding by myself another day. By myself......that was nice.
Further explanation on the neighbor:
She skeeves me. In a red flag kind of way. She is way too churchy for me in addition. I don't have a problem per say with church or faith (no matter what Dave will say...), I just don't care for fanatics. Then there is the whole 'ram the play date idea down your throat' angle. Every day when I pick Trent up from school, it's the same deal...
Trent: "Can I go to N's house to play?"
Me: "No. Not today."
Trent: "Can N come over to our house and play?"
Me: "No. Not today."
Occasionally I will let him go, or have N over to our house. Not very often mind you. If I give this woman an inch she will take a mile. When she picks N up, she wonders what I'm making for dinner. Then ask if I've made all that with Dave at work I'm going to ask her to stay. NOT HAPPENING SISTER!! I am as anti-social as they come. Some folks are into play dates. I am not. And when I tell Trent no, I'm pretty much guaranteed that he will act like the biggest asshole for the next hour. I will not reward that, nor have my hand forced by a 6 year old. Trent gets plenty of socialization at school during recess, in addition to going to daycare on occasion. I do not feel the need to "schedule" my kid. He's 6 for cripes sake, and needs to play with his sisters and by himself sometimes. I am not going to slate an activity/playdate for him every day. Dave says "She must think you are a real bitch..." One could only hope. Then she would leave me alone. He says "She just wants a friend....her husband is gone you know..." (Her Dh is in WI for a year for a job.) Okay, I was not at their kitchen table when that decision was made for their be her friend. If that makes me a bitch (which I think may be spot on...) then so be it I say. And yet she continues to do dumb shit. The other day we are walking home from picking Trent up. Trent is walking, I'm pushing Maiya in the stroller, and Devin is riding her bike with my assistance to get her over rocks, sticks, bumps. The neighbor drives by in the van, rolls down her window and says "N wants to walk home with Trent, and I'll pick him up at your house." Fucking excuse me? I said "We aren't going home.", which we weren't. I was taking my motley crew to the general store for ice cream. Sorry about your luck Chuck. N does not make decisions for me and my family, and you damn sure don't tell me what the deal is, even if you do take orders from your 6 year old. Get bent chicky! The good news is that I realize that I over react where she is concerned, so I'm not as crazy as I would be, if I saw nothing wrong with my attitude toward her. Whew! What a vent! I'm feeling lucky that I don't have to deal with the same shit that Robin does though.
This post is getting to be freakishly long. Gee, I feel like Roni! LOL......smooches! ;)
Congratulations to Paula on a baby girlie! Now give her heck for not blogging in so damn long!
Think that's all for now. Need to work on the new blog skin, it's about half way done. Wish I could just hire Katie to do it...I'd much rather scrap though. Think I'll do that instead.
Dave's birthday is Sunday. He's getting the full spread.......Buffalo shrimp, shrimp salsa with lime chips, feta cheese, corn chowder, beef tenderloin with creamy garlic sauce, smashed garlic red skins, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, Sanders bumpy cake, butter pecan ice cream. Wish I could have the feta now. Or the salsa and chips. Yum...
I just spent 15 minutes outside with Maiya. She is at such a great age. So much personality. She rocks wherever she sits. Turd. This is the baby that never let me rock her. Ever. Now the world is her rocking chair. We sat on the porch steps. She rocked. I fumed...j/k. Then she moved down one step and tapped her little fingers on the porch like she was impatiently waiting for something. Who knows what. She says a lot of words. Shoes, juice, uh-oh, amen, Zurg (the dog), she attempts Trent and I swear she said your welcome the other day. It's amazing how you can pick up on these words by the third time around. Dave and I thought Trent was never going to talk. He probably talked for a good long while, we were just too dumb to realize it. :( She still waves that super sweet wave, sideways now instead of backwards. She also blows a mean kiss. Still stingy with the real kisses, which is okay, since they are full, open mouth ones. ;) She climbs up all 16 stairs to bed. Makes me a nervous wreck in the process.
She is felling better, thank goodness. Devin too. I'm wondering if I didn't poison them that night....they had spaghetti and Trent had mac & cheese. Trent never got sick. The spaghetti sauce came from the freezer...I just don't know. I feel horrible thinking that I may have done it to them. I ate the spaghetti that night too and felt fine. Although, my stomach isn't 4 years or 15 months old. If I did feed them bad food, I think I've paid my dues. In the form of laundry. Dear God! Just when I thought I was caught up from last time. I swear to god, I am buying some of these. No shit. I'm not kidding. For sure. Genius!
I think my use of the word 'skitterbuggin' or 'jitterbuggin' is just my own warm and fuzzy explanation for manic depression. Wonder if it's possible to have just a 'touch' of this. Or, could be SAD. I dunno. This winter was easier on me for some reason. I got out almost every day to take Trent to school. It also snowed for less days than usual. All I know is that it's spring time and I am all fruited up. Hop-in-the-car-*alone*,-roll-down-the-windows,-blast-the-thump-in-your-throat-rock-and-roll,-drive-100-miles-an-hour-with-a-beer-between-my-legs fruited up. Manic depression, spring fever, mid-life crisis? Can't be mid-life crisis, I pretty much feel this way every spring. Makes me wonder what would happen if I moved down south, where it is spring like a lot. Would these feelings go away? Would I just short myself out, blow a fuse? Pretty much all my poor, un-p.c. decisions were arrived at during spring. Poor sexual choices, tattoos, speeding tickets (go figure...) Although two pregnancies were spring deals, so there are some good(great) things. :)
I really can't stand music from Elton John. Or Phil Collins. (No point to that btw, just wanted to share. ;)
Dave seems to like the new job. It's going to take a few weeks for everyone to get into an afternoon groove. Then it will all change, because Trent will be out of school. I like having the big meal at noon time. I am much more motivated during the day. Then dinner is kick back and relax time. Need to watch myself though, last night I had chips for dinner. I plead the migraine defense. I need to eat healthy, I cannot keep this perma-suck gut forever! I did manage to exercise twice this week. I went rollerblading with Trent one day, and bike riding by myself another day. By myself......that was nice.
Further explanation on the neighbor:
She skeeves me. In a red flag kind of way. She is way too churchy for me in addition. I don't have a problem per say with church or faith (no matter what Dave will say...), I just don't care for fanatics. Then there is the whole 'ram the play date idea down your throat' angle. Every day when I pick Trent up from school, it's the same deal...
Trent: "Can I go to N's house to play?"
Me: "No. Not today."
Trent: "Can N come over to our house and play?"
Me: "No. Not today."
Occasionally I will let him go, or have N over to our house. Not very often mind you. If I give this woman an inch she will take a mile. When she picks N up, she wonders what I'm making for dinner. Then ask if I've made all that with Dave at work I'm going to ask her to stay. NOT HAPPENING SISTER!! I am as anti-social as they come. Some folks are into play dates. I am not. And when I tell Trent no, I'm pretty much guaranteed that he will act like the biggest asshole for the next hour. I will not reward that, nor have my hand forced by a 6 year old. Trent gets plenty of socialization at school during recess, in addition to going to daycare on occasion. I do not feel the need to "schedule" my kid. He's 6 for cripes sake, and needs to play with his sisters and by himself sometimes. I am not going to slate an activity/playdate for him every day. Dave says "She must think you are a real bitch..." One could only hope. Then she would leave me alone. He says "She just wants a friend....her husband is gone you know..." (Her Dh is in WI for a year for a job.) Okay, I was not at their kitchen table when that decision was made for their be her friend. If that makes me a bitch (which I think may be spot on...) then so be it I say. And yet she continues to do dumb shit. The other day we are walking home from picking Trent up. Trent is walking, I'm pushing Maiya in the stroller, and Devin is riding her bike with my assistance to get her over rocks, sticks, bumps. The neighbor drives by in the van, rolls down her window and says "N wants to walk home with Trent, and I'll pick him up at your house." Fucking excuse me? I said "We aren't going home.", which we weren't. I was taking my motley crew to the general store for ice cream. Sorry about your luck Chuck. N does not make decisions for me and my family, and you damn sure don't tell me what the deal is, even if you do take orders from your 6 year old. Get bent chicky! The good news is that I realize that I over react where she is concerned, so I'm not as crazy as I would be, if I saw nothing wrong with my attitude toward her. Whew! What a vent! I'm feeling lucky that I don't have to deal with the same shit that Robin does though.
This post is getting to be freakishly long. Gee, I feel like Roni! LOL......smooches! ;)
Congratulations to Paula on a baby girlie! Now give her heck for not blogging in so damn long!
Think that's all for now. Need to work on the new blog skin, it's about half way done. Wish I could just hire Katie to do it...I'd much rather scrap though. Think I'll do that instead.
Dave's birthday is Sunday. He's getting the full spread.......Buffalo shrimp, shrimp salsa with lime chips, feta cheese, corn chowder, beef tenderloin with creamy garlic sauce, smashed garlic red skins, salad, cheddar bay biscuits, Sanders bumpy cake, butter pecan ice cream. Wish I could have the feta now. Or the salsa and chips. Yum...
@ 4:26 PM
From March 28, 2003:
1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week? Calling "Bunny" to look at the camera while I took a picture of the kids with the Easter bunny.....The EB must have thought I was a real dork!
2. What one person touched your life this week? My hunny, cause he rubbed on my poor aching head instead of trying to sleep.
3. How have you helped someone this week? Hmmmm....I must be a 'taker' this week.
4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week? Village Council meeting minutes.
5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place? I will get busy on the bathroom. Priming, painting, installing hardware.
1. What was your most memorable moment from the last week? Calling "Bunny" to look at the camera while I took a picture of the kids with the Easter bunny.....The EB must have thought I was a real dork!
2. What one person touched your life this week? My hunny, cause he rubbed on my poor aching head instead of trying to sleep.
3. How have you helped someone this week? Hmmmm....I must be a 'taker' this week.
4. What one thing do you need to get done by this time next week? Village Council meeting minutes.
5. What one thing will you do over the next seven days to make your world a better place? I will get busy on the bathroom. Priming, painting, installing hardware.
Thursday, April 15, 2004 @ 9:57 PM
Beware of the blog migraine. It cometh...
@ 6:44 AM
And Devin too.......:( Murphy's Law bit me in the ass last night. I fed them spaghetti for dinner. *Retch*
Wednesday, April 14, 2004 @ 10:40 PM
Oh no! The bunny is sick again. Poor bitty baby, she has had it so rough lately. Need to go do another puke-check. :(
Tuesday, April 13, 2004 @ 9:45 PM
Oy! My WINGS make me crazy...
@ 6:52 AM
Today is Tuesday. Yay for Tuesday. We all know what Tuesday means right? Snap-ah's day off. Yay!
Yay, yay....I got a day off. ~~hollered in my best Crank Yankers voice.~~
I need to make out some new cemetery deeds and get them in the mail. I should be able to whip those out whilst (bwhahaha!) the kids eat breakfast.
Then it's off to take Trent to school and the girls to Miss Sue's. Thank God for Miss Sue. I love my daycare ladies. Sad to say that when and if we move, I'll be missing the daycare ladies and the ped most of all..........
I'll get back here at about 8:30, and then I plan on parking my butt right here on the computer. Need to catch up on e-mails (why, oh why am I so bad about these...?), and try to set up a web page at either Charter, or Geocities.
At 10:30 am I'm leaving for that ever important, horribly anticipated nail appointment. Yay, yay.....I got nails!
Back to pick Trent up from school at 3 pm, then home for an hour with just him.
Dave will be home around 4 pm, and the girls get picked up at 5 pm.
Might be able to find some scrapping time in there somewhere. I did 5 pages yesterday (3 L/O's), and 5 pages the day before. I am on a roll. Finally decided that the embellishments and all the fancy stuff are going to have to be put on hold for right now. I have about 9 years to I need to power scrap at this point.
Dinner is half done...left over smoked and roasted pork loin from Sunday. Need a starch and veggie......
(This entry is kind of skitterbuggin'.....)
Devin was a horrid little thing the other night.......way overtired. She fussed and whined and carried on so bad that Dave only took Trent to the video place. She asked me "Why didn't I get to go with Daddy to take the movies back?" I said "Because you were too fussy, Daddy didn't want to be with a crabby girl." She said "Then why does he live here?" Bwhahahahahahaha!!!
Yesterday was a long, long day. Thanks To Maiya. Technically thanks to me. Yesterday was binky snipping day, and Maiya let me know her displeasure about that. All. Day. Long. She is lucky (?), the other kids had them snipped at one year of age. She's been sliding under the radar.
The neighbor skeeves me. Bad, with her ultra churchy, playdate nagging ass. More on this later.
Dave is down at his second day of orientation today. Tomorrow he starts the afternoon shift. I'm curious to see how things are all going to pan out with these hours.
Trent only has 8 more weeks of school. I love summer time. I love summer time with the kids even better. :)
Need to get rolling here, before we are all late for Snap-ah's day off. Yay, yay....I got a day off..........
Yay, yay....I got a day off. ~~hollered in my best Crank Yankers voice.~~
I need to make out some new cemetery deeds and get them in the mail. I should be able to whip those out whilst (bwhahaha!) the kids eat breakfast.
Then it's off to take Trent to school and the girls to Miss Sue's. Thank God for Miss Sue. I love my daycare ladies. Sad to say that when and if we move, I'll be missing the daycare ladies and the ped most of all..........
I'll get back here at about 8:30, and then I plan on parking my butt right here on the computer. Need to catch up on e-mails (why, oh why am I so bad about these...?), and try to set up a web page at either Charter, or Geocities.
At 10:30 am I'm leaving for that ever important, horribly anticipated nail appointment. Yay, yay.....I got nails!
Back to pick Trent up from school at 3 pm, then home for an hour with just him.
Dave will be home around 4 pm, and the girls get picked up at 5 pm.
Might be able to find some scrapping time in there somewhere. I did 5 pages yesterday (3 L/O's), and 5 pages the day before. I am on a roll. Finally decided that the embellishments and all the fancy stuff are going to have to be put on hold for right now. I have about 9 years to I need to power scrap at this point.
Dinner is half done...left over smoked and roasted pork loin from Sunday. Need a starch and veggie......
(This entry is kind of skitterbuggin'.....)
Devin was a horrid little thing the other night.......way overtired. She fussed and whined and carried on so bad that Dave only took Trent to the video place. She asked me "Why didn't I get to go with Daddy to take the movies back?" I said "Because you were too fussy, Daddy didn't want to be with a crabby girl." She said "Then why does he live here?" Bwhahahahahahaha!!!
Yesterday was a long, long day. Thanks To Maiya. Technically thanks to me. Yesterday was binky snipping day, and Maiya let me know her displeasure about that. All. Day. Long. She is lucky (?), the other kids had them snipped at one year of age. She's been sliding under the radar.
The neighbor skeeves me. Bad, with her ultra churchy, playdate nagging ass. More on this later.
Dave is down at his second day of orientation today. Tomorrow he starts the afternoon shift. I'm curious to see how things are all going to pan out with these hours.
Trent only has 8 more weeks of school. I love summer time. I love summer time with the kids even better. :)
Need to get rolling here, before we are all late for Snap-ah's day off. Yay, yay....I got a day off..........
Sunday, April 11, 2004 @ 10:11 PM
Who has you linked? Find out here.
I will miss the men in my life tomorrow. When they all GO AWAY! Yikes, did I just yell that? ;)
Easter was good......baskets, and egg hunts, and a yummy dinner. Is there anything finer in the world than white chocolate? I'm thinking not.....think I'll go get some.
I will miss the men in my life tomorrow. When they all GO AWAY! Yikes, did I just yell that? ;)
Easter was good......baskets, and egg hunts, and a yummy dinner. Is there anything finer in the world than white chocolate? I'm thinking not.....think I'll go get some.
Saturday, April 10, 2004 @ 5:10 PM
The border is done. Whoo hoo!
The eggs are done. Whoo Hoo!
Getting Dh to motivate is hard!!
Then, he wants a haircut. Ha!!!
Is bugging me to do it. Jerky...
He has been home for 15 days.
Is it Monday yet? Can he go??
I need to go watch the Wings!
Dinner: Make your own pizzas.
Need to work in the bathroom!
I love McAfee right about now!!
Trying to set up a web page....
I'm having difficulties doing it...
Need peace & quiet. Got any?
Kids + lots of sugar=trouble!!
Baby M. calls from upstairs....
Very loudly. She is mad now.
Finally, she is feeling better...
It's starting to snow outside.
Doesn't that just suck ass?!?
I think it does. In a big way..
Is it spring yet? Somewhere?
Bunny says shoes, and amen.
Can't do it any longer..........;)
The eggs are done. Whoo Hoo!
Getting Dh to motivate is hard!!
Then, he wants a haircut. Ha!!!
Is bugging me to do it. Jerky...
He has been home for 15 days.
Is it Monday yet? Can he go??
I need to go watch the Wings!
Dinner: Make your own pizzas.
Need to work in the bathroom!
I love McAfee right about now!!
Trying to set up a web page....
I'm having difficulties doing it...
Need peace & quiet. Got any?
Kids + lots of sugar=trouble!!
Baby M. calls from upstairs....
Very loudly. She is mad now.
Finally, she is feeling better...
It's starting to snow outside.
Doesn't that just suck ass?!?
I think it does. In a big way..
Is it spring yet? Somewhere?
Bunny says shoes, and amen.
Can't do it any longer..........;)
Thursday, April 08, 2004 @ 9:38 PM
Spent the day in Grand Rapids. And not doing the border in Trent's room.
I needed to shop for bathroom *stuff*.....and boy did I shop. Dave's favorite thing to do. Maiya was with us, and she was a peach. Linens & Things loves me right about now. I can't say as I've ever broken out in a cold sweat while writing a check to pay for any purchase. Until today. We ended up with a double towel bar, two glass shelving units, a towel ring, toilet paper holder, 2 robe hooks, new shower curtain, hooks and liners, some guest towels that match the shower curtain, new wastebasket, cup, toothbrush holder, and soap pump that all match the other stuff (beige with soft green ivy and some burgundy berries throughout.) I really splurged and got some Brita filters (ha!) and a nice green candle and some new lotion to put in there too. Four. Hundred. And. Sixty. Eight. Dollars. I shit you not. What a freaking racket that matching shit is. It is very, very pretty though. Who in their right mind pays $26 for a toilet paper holder?!?! It wasn't over priced was all the same at Lowe's and Target. I thought I was going to actually swoon at the checkout. I was half hoping they would deny my check for some reason.......I'm damn sure going to take pictures. And scrap them.
I really need to get into the mess we call the attic tomorrow. What kind of mother has no Easter decorations up and out yet? We need to go get my purchases from the antique store tomorrow and get some eggs for dying.
I spent yesterday at the antique stores, in search of an old pie safe that I could use in the bathroom. It sucks having no cabinets in there, and I need the dresser that we use in there for Trent's room. Struck out though. I did find a white, enamel top kitchen cupboard that I had to have and a black and white mixer with attachments. I spent way less money on those two items. Thank God for that! I don't think I had better spend any more money for the time being, or else my hunny will start frothing at the mouth. Which reminds me, I need to mail off a check for $550.00 for those TWO hockey playoff games. *Wink*
I needed to shop for bathroom *stuff*.....and boy did I shop. Dave's favorite thing to do. Maiya was with us, and she was a peach. Linens & Things loves me right about now. I can't say as I've ever broken out in a cold sweat while writing a check to pay for any purchase. Until today. We ended up with a double towel bar, two glass shelving units, a towel ring, toilet paper holder, 2 robe hooks, new shower curtain, hooks and liners, some guest towels that match the shower curtain, new wastebasket, cup, toothbrush holder, and soap pump that all match the other stuff (beige with soft green ivy and some burgundy berries throughout.) I really splurged and got some Brita filters (ha!) and a nice green candle and some new lotion to put in there too. Four. Hundred. And. Sixty. Eight. Dollars. I shit you not. What a freaking racket that matching shit is. It is very, very pretty though. Who in their right mind pays $26 for a toilet paper holder?!?! It wasn't over priced was all the same at Lowe's and Target. I thought I was going to actually swoon at the checkout. I was half hoping they would deny my check for some reason.......I'm damn sure going to take pictures. And scrap them.
I really need to get into the mess we call the attic tomorrow. What kind of mother has no Easter decorations up and out yet? We need to go get my purchases from the antique store tomorrow and get some eggs for dying.
I spent yesterday at the antique stores, in search of an old pie safe that I could use in the bathroom. It sucks having no cabinets in there, and I need the dresser that we use in there for Trent's room. Struck out though. I did find a white, enamel top kitchen cupboard that I had to have and a black and white mixer with attachments. I spent way less money on those two items. Thank God for that! I don't think I had better spend any more money for the time being, or else my hunny will start frothing at the mouth. Which reminds me, I need to mail off a check for $550.00 for those TWO hockey playoff games. *Wink*
Wednesday, April 07, 2004 @ 8:56 PM
Oh, my poor aching head................
And could someone please send the laundry fairy....I cannot keep up with Maiya's twisted bowels.
Off to watch the Wings kick some tail feather. GO WINGS!
And could someone please send the laundry fairy....I cannot keep up with Maiya's twisted bowels.
Off to watch the Wings kick some tail feather. GO WINGS!
Tuesday, April 06, 2004 @ 8:48 PM
Biggers went to daycare today, little Miss Muffet stayed home.
Dave and I: Painted Trent's bedroom walls and got half the border up. Stripped everything off the bathroom walls and did some prep work in there too.
Dave fixed the dryer vent tubing, yay! He also got the vent cover on, outside over where the bathroom exhaust fan vents...yay, no more birds in the attic.
We are *supposed* to be finishing Trent's border right now, but he can't seem to end his love affair with the Playstation..............tomorrow is another day I guess.
The movie "Lost in Translation" is a total waste of one hour and forty-two minutes. I. Swear. To. God!
Dave and I: Painted Trent's bedroom walls and got half the border up. Stripped everything off the bathroom walls and did some prep work in there too.
Dave fixed the dryer vent tubing, yay! He also got the vent cover on, outside over where the bathroom exhaust fan vents...yay, no more birds in the attic.
We are *supposed* to be finishing Trent's border right now, but he can't seem to end his love affair with the Playstation..............tomorrow is another day I guess.
The movie "Lost in Translation" is a total waste of one hour and forty-two minutes. I. Swear. To. God!
Monday, April 05, 2004 @ 8:35 PM
I grow weary..............
I thought Maiya was on the upswing yesterday. Monitored her all morning before deciding it was safe to drive the 3 hours to my brothers. She was puke free....just kind of puny acting. So we went, and it was all good.
This morning she gets up and she is just not right. Feels a little hot, rectal temp was 97.6. Huh?!?! Re-take was 98.7. She's just a crying. Won't stop. Ugh..........called and got her a 11 am appointment.
We took the truck in for repair, and hit BK for breakfast. Way to diet there..........
Came home, straightened the house a little, then headed out for the appointment. She has "the flu", which they are "seeing an awful lot of, and it's lasting about two weeks..." Superfantastic. She was acting a bit more like her usual self tonight at dinner though, so that is a good sign.
I am also weary of my computer. All of the sudden, for about the last month it's virus this and virus that. I need to buy new virus software. All sorts of spam carrying e-mails, my forums are way wonky, posts not showing up, doing funky things with the posts in the threads, crap. It's all crap...
I'm coming down with a cold....head is stuffed, throat is sore, I'm whipped. Had to take a nap today.
I shouldn't be so whiny.....Dave has been home through all of this, so it's not like I've been going through it alone.....
Time to go watch a movie.
I thought Maiya was on the upswing yesterday. Monitored her all morning before deciding it was safe to drive the 3 hours to my brothers. She was puke free....just kind of puny acting. So we went, and it was all good.
This morning she gets up and she is just not right. Feels a little hot, rectal temp was 97.6. Huh?!?! Re-take was 98.7. She's just a crying. Won't stop. Ugh..........called and got her a 11 am appointment.
We took the truck in for repair, and hit BK for breakfast. Way to diet there..........
Came home, straightened the house a little, then headed out for the appointment. She has "the flu", which they are "seeing an awful lot of, and it's lasting about two weeks..." Superfantastic. She was acting a bit more like her usual self tonight at dinner though, so that is a good sign.
I am also weary of my computer. All of the sudden, for about the last month it's virus this and virus that. I need to buy new virus software. All sorts of spam carrying e-mails, my forums are way wonky, posts not showing up, doing funky things with the posts in the threads, crap. It's all crap...
I'm coming down with a cold....head is stuffed, throat is sore, I'm whipped. Had to take a nap today.
I shouldn't be so whiny.....Dave has been home through all of this, so it's not like I've been going through it alone.....
Time to go watch a movie.
Sunday, April 04, 2004 @ 6:35 AM
Miss Doxie's friend here.
Miss Doxie's friend here.
Saturday, April 03, 2004 @ 5:51 PM
It's snowing.
Big, white fluffy flakes. Oh sure they started off as tiny little specks. Tried to fool the unsuspecting folks. Not me. I knew it was coming. I could smell it.
Happy spring!
Big, white fluffy flakes. Oh sure they started off as tiny little specks. Tried to fool the unsuspecting folks. Not me. I knew it was coming. I could smell it.
Happy spring!
@ 9:58 AM
I am a walking advertisement for why folks should drink their water, I swear!! I thought I was going to blog Thursday. Hell, I couldn't even stay awake to watch ER, and it was a new episode. I suck. Someone needs to hang a canteen around my neck and force feed me salt......
Last Monday.............Took Bunny to the Dr.'s...she had Roseola. She broke out in the rash by the time we got to the office. It was also the anniversary of Trent's baptism. Got the cemetery situation mostly sorted out. I need permission from one person/family to issue new deeds, then I can put the whole snafu behind me. New procedures are in place to prevent it from happening again.
Last Tuesday...........nail day. Now that is exciting! An afternoon alone. Here is the only way to wear pink. Kind of hard to see, pink glitter tips. Heaven knows I need pink glitter in my everyday exciting life. ;) (Don't mind that crooked pointer finger...)
Wednesday...........Regular Dr. appointment day for Devin and Maiya.
Devin's stat's: 39# (60%), 41" (80%), 3 shots handled like a pro, and I need to set her up with a speech evaluation. She has a Boston Rob accent going on and it isn't correcting itself with time, or Dave and I working with her. She has a real problem with her R's.
Maiya's stat's: 22.6# (50%), 30" (50%), lead level was 6 (under 10 normal), she is on the low side of normal on her iron. Gotta get her some more spinach. She did not get her shots that sense adding insult to injury. She was still crabby and spotty, sleeping more than usual. Trent had snack duty at school this day, he took the tulip cookies we had baked and decorated. We picked him up after the girl's appointments, and dropped them all off at daycare. Dave and I went to parent-teacher conference....all is well with the boy. We dropped the oil leaking bastard car off at the shop to be looked at. Picked the kids up and headed home. Bike riding went really well that day for Trent.
Thursday.......another half day of school for Trent. Realtor came and did the house walk-through. Recommendations include: carpeting the upstairs, having the hardwood floors re-finished, scrapping and re-painting the front and side doors, and some easy other cosmetic stuff. Did the village payroll this day. Trent actually rode his bike, by himself this day. Now he just needs to learn how to get started without Dad's help. :) Picked up the car. It was a $50 repair, whoo hoo! It has been a long damn time since we've had a repair that small price wise. The truck is scheduled to go in on Monday.
Friday........half day of school. Picked Trent up went to Subways and grabbed lunch. Took it and everyone to the park for lunch and some playscape time, then to the DQ. Then the kiddies went to daycare and Dave and I went errand running and out to dinner. We were supposed to go to the movies, but nothing but crap was playing. Boo Hoo!! This day was my nephew's 18th birthday. Yikes.....he was born 2 months before I graduated from high school. He found out that day that he has been accepted to NYU. He has also been accepted to WSU and has received a full scholarship there. Way to go Brett!, and Happy Birthday. Way to go to my sister and BIL too!
Last night........Bunny was up at 3:30 am, puking. :( She had grapes at daycare I I am a puke sleuth. My guess was confirmed this morning by her siblings. I have only given her grapes once (can't remember exactly when...) and a few weeks ago she had a one-time puking episode. Related maybe? She has puked a few more times....she is sleeping right now. And I am doing laundry, lots of it. The ped. figured she would end up with a sinus infection after the roseola. She does have a loose cough occasionally, I wonder if she isn't getting a bunch of drainage at the back of her throat that is making her cough to the puking point. At any poor Bunny! I really hope she pulls out of this soon. I can't afford for her to be 'sick sick', especially since we are tempting the fates right now insurance wise. Never assume that when your husband decides to resign from a job that he has actually checked to see when the insurance ends. ARGH!! We are irresponsibly riding without until May 1st. He needs to call California on Monday and see where our COBRA paperwork is.........
So I have been up since 3:30 am. I gave Bunny a bath, remade her bed and put her back down. I stayed up then, surfing the forums and blogs waiting to see if she was going to be sick anymore. I have a Jimi Hendrix paranoia when it comes to puke and the kidlets. I read that Miss Doxie had a new entry *you know who you are...the dirty bird that tipped me off*, so of course I didn't read it, because I just knew I'd get a good laugh and be wide awake then. I tried to go back to bed at 4:30 am. No go. Kept thinking of that damn Miss Doxie post and the template of my own blog. Help me!! I actually got back up. I'm so tired already! I'm supposed to bake a cake today for my brother. His birthday is tomorrow and we are doing the 3 hour trip each way to his place in Port Huron. Chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. Yum!I also plan on making some Red Lobster Cheese biscuits. All puke depending at this point I guess...........
I finally bought some disks to back up the computer. Bought some CD's to burn some music too. Any suggestions on sites people? Also bought (do you see that mini-van money slipping away?) some photo paper so I can finally print out some pictures I have on the computer from my girlfriend. And new inks and a printer head. I should be in business now huh?
I bought a kitchen scale that is worth something finally, and a large stock pot. What dego woman worth her salt doesn't own a huge stock pot with the strainer insert? "Happy Easter" Dave said. LOL! I think I sold him when I said "Lots of room in here for corn on the cob, and deep enough to fry cannoli shells in."
I am caught up for this year scrapping wise. LOL!! I do have one envelope of pictures to scrap, and I already have the L/O's half planned. One will be of Super Devin.
So. I think that's it for now.
Quote of the Day: "Somebody please remind me that it is easier to blog a little each day, as opposed to a boatload once a week....."~Snap-ah
Last Monday.............Took Bunny to the Dr.'s...she had Roseola. She broke out in the rash by the time we got to the office. It was also the anniversary of Trent's baptism. Got the cemetery situation mostly sorted out. I need permission from one person/family to issue new deeds, then I can put the whole snafu behind me. New procedures are in place to prevent it from happening again.
Last Tuesday...........nail day. Now that is exciting! An afternoon alone. Here is the only way to wear pink. Kind of hard to see, pink glitter tips. Heaven knows I need pink glitter in my everyday exciting life. ;) (Don't mind that crooked pointer finger...)
Wednesday...........Regular Dr. appointment day for Devin and Maiya.
Devin's stat's: 39# (60%), 41" (80%), 3 shots handled like a pro, and I need to set her up with a speech evaluation. She has a Boston Rob accent going on and it isn't correcting itself with time, or Dave and I working with her. She has a real problem with her R's.
Maiya's stat's: 22.6# (50%), 30" (50%), lead level was 6 (under 10 normal), she is on the low side of normal on her iron. Gotta get her some more spinach. She did not get her shots that sense adding insult to injury. She was still crabby and spotty, sleeping more than usual. Trent had snack duty at school this day, he took the tulip cookies we had baked and decorated. We picked him up after the girl's appointments, and dropped them all off at daycare. Dave and I went to parent-teacher conference....all is well with the boy. We dropped the oil leaking bastard car off at the shop to be looked at. Picked the kids up and headed home. Bike riding went really well that day for Trent.
Thursday.......another half day of school for Trent. Realtor came and did the house walk-through. Recommendations include: carpeting the upstairs, having the hardwood floors re-finished, scrapping and re-painting the front and side doors, and some easy other cosmetic stuff. Did the village payroll this day. Trent actually rode his bike, by himself this day. Now he just needs to learn how to get started without Dad's help. :) Picked up the car. It was a $50 repair, whoo hoo! It has been a long damn time since we've had a repair that small price wise. The truck is scheduled to go in on Monday.
Friday........half day of school. Picked Trent up went to Subways and grabbed lunch. Took it and everyone to the park for lunch and some playscape time, then to the DQ. Then the kiddies went to daycare and Dave and I went errand running and out to dinner. We were supposed to go to the movies, but nothing but crap was playing. Boo Hoo!! This day was my nephew's 18th birthday. Yikes.....he was born 2 months before I graduated from high school. He found out that day that he has been accepted to NYU. He has also been accepted to WSU and has received a full scholarship there. Way to go Brett!, and Happy Birthday. Way to go to my sister and BIL too!
Last night........Bunny was up at 3:30 am, puking. :( She had grapes at daycare I I am a puke sleuth. My guess was confirmed this morning by her siblings. I have only given her grapes once (can't remember exactly when...) and a few weeks ago she had a one-time puking episode. Related maybe? She has puked a few more times....she is sleeping right now. And I am doing laundry, lots of it. The ped. figured she would end up with a sinus infection after the roseola. She does have a loose cough occasionally, I wonder if she isn't getting a bunch of drainage at the back of her throat that is making her cough to the puking point. At any poor Bunny! I really hope she pulls out of this soon. I can't afford for her to be 'sick sick', especially since we are tempting the fates right now insurance wise. Never assume that when your husband decides to resign from a job that he has actually checked to see when the insurance ends. ARGH!! We are irresponsibly riding without until May 1st. He needs to call California on Monday and see where our COBRA paperwork is.........
So I have been up since 3:30 am. I gave Bunny a bath, remade her bed and put her back down. I stayed up then, surfing the forums and blogs waiting to see if she was going to be sick anymore. I have a Jimi Hendrix paranoia when it comes to puke and the kidlets. I read that Miss Doxie had a new entry *you know who you are...the dirty bird that tipped me off*, so of course I didn't read it, because I just knew I'd get a good laugh and be wide awake then. I tried to go back to bed at 4:30 am. No go. Kept thinking of that damn Miss Doxie post and the template of my own blog. Help me!! I actually got back up. I'm so tired already! I'm supposed to bake a cake today for my brother. His birthday is tomorrow and we are doing the 3 hour trip each way to his place in Port Huron. Chocolate cake with buttercream frosting. Yum!I also plan on making some Red Lobster Cheese biscuits. All puke depending at this point I guess...........
I finally bought some disks to back up the computer. Bought some CD's to burn some music too. Any suggestions on sites people? Also bought (do you see that mini-van money slipping away?) some photo paper so I can finally print out some pictures I have on the computer from my girlfriend. And new inks and a printer head. I should be in business now huh?
I bought a kitchen scale that is worth something finally, and a large stock pot. What dego woman worth her salt doesn't own a huge stock pot with the strainer insert? "Happy Easter" Dave said. LOL! I think I sold him when I said "Lots of room in here for corn on the cob, and deep enough to fry cannoli shells in."
I am caught up for this year scrapping wise. LOL!! I do have one envelope of pictures to scrap, and I already have the L/O's half planned. One will be of Super Devin.
So. I think that's it for now.
Quote of the Day: "Somebody please remind me that it is easier to blog a little each day, as opposed to a boatload once a week....."~Snap-ah
Thursday, April 01, 2004 @ 7:40 PM
Okay. I've become one of those bloggers that make me crazy because I don't have a life and need my blogger fixes.............
Ishallblog tonightIshallblogtonightIshallblogtonight..........
Ishallblog tonightIshallblogtonightIshallblogtonight..........