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Momma Drama

Thursday, December 02, 2004 @ 9:20 PM

Short and sweet.....with more to come tomorrow.

Thanksgiving was good......Dave's sister, BIL and nephew were here from Thursday to Saturday. They left with my dog so I'm hard pressed to say anything bad about them or the visit at this point. No dog. Yipee!

Weekend was good. I think. Feels like so long ago....

This week has been a struggle. Too many late nights, and early mornings. Little short on patience here, and throw in a snow day for good measure yesterday. The snow day was actually handy. Trent had an appointment with the allergist, so no school missed there. He has another sinus infection....we really need to consider the allergy shots.

The late nights are coming from sewing. Yay! I managed to get everything in my 73 Qt. tote sewn over Thanksgiving weekend, so now I've moved on to the fun stuff. Like these for the girls for next summer (made long so thet their pasta bellies aren't hanging out). And Maiya's blanket, which is half way done.

I been starving lately. For about the last month. I do this once or twice a year it seems like, but it usually only lasts a day or two. Not this time. At first I thought it was because of Thanksgiving, but it isn't going away. I'm hungry right after eating. I'm hungry when I wake up, and hungry when I go to bed. Thank gawd there isn't too much in the house to eat, or I'd have trouble. It's anoying at any rate, and I wish it would stop.

The girls went to daycare today and I managed to get the attic done. Superfantastic. Now to keep it that way.......I have a row of things to have Dave look at with "garage sale" eyes. After the holidays I'll tackle the kids stuff. I need to get their papers (preschool/safety town/school/daycare/etc) hole punched and into binders I think. I also need to go through the favorite baby clothes I saved and decide which stay boxed and which become quilt material.

I guess I should start the holiday baking soon. Eek! Out family get-together is the 18th....chop chop on those cookies! I snagged a FP dollhouse tonight on E-bay for Devin, so I only need to find a saxaphone for Trent.

My nails have been off for 7 weeks now. How annoying. The good news is that I just may have strong nails here, I never thought I did. Of course how could I ever know? I picked at them every day of my life. I assumed that I had the *lovely* (not) family eggshell nails......but they really don't look like that.

Don't let me forget to blog about the bunny tomorrow. She is something. I'm having a rough way to go, she is almost two.....and my baby days are over.......and we've been watching home movies lately....see where this is headed?

Sewing time!

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